The Transition to Work Community of Practice is delivering jobs for young people by working with employers on a mutually beneficial approach.

Offering employment, internships or work experience is fantastic, but anyone can get involved in many ways. Hosting workplace tours, volunteer positions, mentoring talks, providing industry knowledge or workshops, or even detailing study pathways. These can all assist young people attaining sustainable employment.

Transition to Work is a national, federally funded service targeted at 15-21 year olds who are unemployed. The service aims to provide young people with intensive pre-employment support to increase work readiness and move young people into employment.

The Transition to Work Community of Practice is a group of 11 service providers delivering a common model in 13 regions around Australia. Each Transition to Work provider brings its own expertise and local knowledge, while working together with a shared ambition: to develop and demonstrate an alternative response to addressing youth unemployment, one that is premised upon collaboration and harnessing the community effort across various industries and community services.

This excellent project would not be as successful without the fantastic support and endorsement provided by Welfare of the Young's Bernie McIntosh and Quin Scalzo.  

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