2023 World Convention

We are very excited to welcome 15,000+ Rotarians from across the world to Melbourne for the Rotary International Convention in 27-31 May 2023.


Click here to REGISTER and learn more about the program.


Click here to learn more about the Special Events organised by the Host Organising Committee.


An easy guide for Rotary Melbourne members. Click on links to register. For General Sessions and Breakout Sessions, you must register for the Convention (link above). For the House of Friendship, you can visit there without booking. To save pdf of Convention Highlights (an easy guide), click here..






22 May



6pm-8pm ITFR Tennis Yarra River Cocktail Cruise Welcome Party

23 May

10am-12pm ITFR Tennis Tournament, Melbourne Park

12pm-5pm ITFR Tennis Tournament, Melbourne Park



Wednesday 24 May

10am-12pm ITFR Tennis Tournament, Melbourne Park

12.30pm-2pm Young Achievers Awards, No35 Sofitel on Collins, Rotary Melbourne weekly lunch


12pm-5pm ITFR Tennis Tournament, Melbourne Park

3-4pm Official Opening of the Rotary Peace Bells by Lord Mayor Sally Capp, Rotary Melbourne Peace Park

25 May

9.15am-10.45am ESRAG Greenline Tour

, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

12pm-5pm Environment Action Summit

Melbourne Town Hall

7pm-9pm RAGTime (Rotary Action Groups)

Jardin Tan, Royal Botanic Gardens (Canapes & drinks)

10am-12pm ITFR Tennis TournamentMelbourne Park

12pm-5pm ITFR Tennis Tournament, Melbourne Park

26 May

10am-12pm ITFR Tennis Tournament, Melbourne Park

12pm-5pm ITFR Tennis Tournament, Melbourne Park

7pm-11pm ITFR Gala Dinner, Lyceum Club

2pm-5pm End Polio Walk from Federation Square to Rotary Melbourne Peace Park

27 May

9am-12pm House of Friendship, MCEC
(including Grand Opening at 11am)

12pm-6pm House of Friendship, MCEC

6pm-10pm HOC Welcome Event: Night at the Museum, Melbourne Museum

10am-12pm Big Difference – Volunteer for FORaMEAL at Federation Square


12pm-4pm Big Difference – Volunteer for FORaMEAL at Federation Square

28 May

9am-12pm House of Friendship, MCEC

12pm-6pm House of Friendship, MCEC

5pm-7pm Marvellous Melbourne Cocktail Party at the Hotel Windsor.

Hosted by Rotary Club of Melbourne

10am-12pm Opening General Session, Rod Laver Arena

29 May

9am-12pm House of Friendship, MCEC

12pm-6pm House of Friendship, MCEC

6.30pm-8.30pm HOC Club Host Hospitality
at Starward Distillery, Port Melbourne

10am-12pm Second General Session, Rod Laver Arena

1pm – 5pm Breakout Sessions, MCEC

6pm-10pm HOC Streets of Melbourne Dinners, South Wharf

30 May

9am-12pm House of Friendship, MCEC

12pm-6pm House of Friendship, MCEC

6pm-10pm HOC Melbourne Cup Experience at Flemington Racecourse including free Rotary express train to Flemington

10am-12pm Third General Session, Rod Laver Arena

1pm – 5pm Breakout Sessions, MCEC

6pm-10pm HOC Streets of Melbourne Dinners, South Wharf

31 May

9am-12pm House of Friendship, MCEC

12pm-2pm House of Friendship, MCEC


9am-12pm Breakout Sessions, MCEC

3pm-5pm Closing General Session, Rod Laver Arena

1 June



6.30pm-10.30pm Gala Celebration Dinner, Plaza Ballroom hosted by Rotary District 9800 featuring RI President Jennifer Jones



-  HOC: Host Organising Committee

-  ITFR: International Tennis Fellowship of Rotarians

-  MCEC: Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Colour Codes:

Rotary Club of Melbourne Events (and District 9800)

Rotary International Convention Sessions

House of Friendship (Rotary Expo)

Host Organising Committee Events

Volunteering and Action Groups

ITFR Tennis Tournament

2023 RI Convention Volunteers


A vital part of this is to have an engaged and energised volunteer team to assist all visitors during the Convention. We wish to include volunteers from all ages - so be a Rotary Ambassador for Melbourne by registering to volunteer at the Convention in 2023! Meet & Greet, Marshalls, Chaperones, Home stays, Host hospitality. We will need your help and if you would like to be involved please contact us, 


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