Around the Bay

Why do we become involved in a bike ride?

Quite simply, the ride is a mechanism by which we can support children from disadvantaged circumstances to complete their school and tertiary studies.

The Rotary Melbourne participation has included:

  1. Members, family and friends sign up to ride on one of the set distances around Port Phillip Bay as part of Team Rotary.
  2. Individual and corporate members, family, other Rotary Clubs and partners sign up as route marshals and the Club is provided fee money for each volunteer by the event organiser.
  3. Sponsorships are gained for each Team Rotary rider and the Club matches much of these contributions.
  4. Our Around the Bay Raffle and Silent Auction raises additional funds.

The fun, fellowship and fitness of the Team Rotary riders is clear for all to see. Around 40 volunteers work together in teams of two and get to know each other well over the few hours together. Those who don't ride or volunteer can (and do) participate in the sponsorship opportunity.

Annually, Rotary Melbourne has raised in excess of $20,000 for the Learning for Life program and is supported by the expertise and professionalism of our corporate members in conjunction with our strategic partners and other community organisations.

The Smith Family and Learning for Life

Around the Bay

Learning for Life Olympian

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