District 9800 Governor Bronwyn Stephens


From: Wednesday August 1, 2018, 12:30 pm

To: Wednesday August 1, 2018, 2:00 pm

Speaking on this year's Rotary theme "Be The Inspiration"


Bronwyn joined the Rotary Club of Melbourne South in 2008.  After undertaking Rotary Leadership Institute and President Elect Training she was Club President in 2009-2010

Since then she has served the Club in various capacities including Bulletin Editor, Secretary and Treasurer. She has chaired the World of Difference project for her Club.

Other involvement at District level includes Assistant Governor Stonnington Cluster 2013-2016. Leading a Vocational Training Tour of 4 teachers to Cambodia in January 2016, where they provided two four day workshops for 160 Cambodian teachers, was a highlight.  She was the Community Services District Chair 2016-2017.

Mark is equally passionate about Rotary and joined Rotary Club of Melbourne South in 2010; in fact Bronwyn inducted him a member at President Changeover.  He served as Club President for 2 years.    

Bronwyn is a Royce Abbey Awardee and a Paul Harris Fellow recipient, as is Mark. They are both members of the Paul Harris Society.

Bronwyn’s parents were both Rotarians in the Melbourne South club. Very sadly Bronwyn’s mum Esme died 10 years ago but she was a Paul Harris Fellow and highly respected in her club.Dad Trevor was twice President of Melbourne South Club and a Paul Harris Fellow. He continues to be a much loved and respected mentor for Bronwyn and Mark.


Bronwyn is a retired nurse. In her career she enjoyed exploring various specialties – Accident and Emergency, Cardiac Care, Remote Island Nursing and Day Surgery.  For the last 12 years of her career she and Mark owned and operated a small private hospital with 2 operating theatres and 10 beds. Bronwyn acted as both a clinical nurse in all areas of the hospital and also administered the accounts and employees.  Mark is a Gastroenterologist in private practice.


Bronwyn volunteered during her career on 2 major peak bodies in healthcare. Australian Council of Hospital Standards (ACHS) surveyor and Australian Credentialed Gastroenterology Nurses (COGEN) reprocessing educator, surveyor and board member.


Bronwyn and Mark have 3 adult children. Jane is a school teacher in Adelaide and Kate is a nurse in Queensland married to Ciaren. Will is an environmental engineer. Will, whilst not yet a Rotarian has led a World of Difference Schoolies alternative tour of students. His long term partner Lisa is much loved by the family and also very involved in Rotary through her and Will’s trips volunteering in Cambodia.


Bronwyn loves everything about Rotary. Her favourite day of the week is Tuesdays when she sorts books at “Donations in Kind” warehouse.


Sofitel Hotel

Cnr Spring & Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

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