Sandra Hills OAM, CEO Benetas.


From: Wednesday January 16, 2019, 12:30 pm

To: Wednesday January 16, 2019, 2:00 pm

Sandra Hills (OAM)

Benetas CEO


Benetas is one of the leading not-for-profit providers to older Australians of residential care, in-home care, respite care, allied health and retirement living in Victoria.

Sandra Hills joined Benetas in 2009 with career experience in local and state government and the not for profit sector and has qualifications spanning:  nursing, psychology, research and business management. Under Sandra's leadership, Benetas has diversified its services to meet new and future demand with a specific focus on innovation, research, workforce development and sustainable fiscal growth.

Sandra was acknowledged for her service to aged care and promoting women in the workplace in Victoria with a Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division, in the 2017 Queens Birthday Honour List. Sandra was also nominated as a finalist for the 2016 AHRI CEO Diversity Champion Award and is a Workplace Gender Equality Agency and Pay Equity Ambassador.

Benetas has developed a recognised contribution in the research and advocacy space and the future focus will be on translating research into practice. As a voice and advocate for older people, Sandra’s published works span topics including social isolation, consumer engagement, promotion of a good ageing and end of life experience, quality and best practice, and a future reform agenda.

 Benetas has committed to expanding its role in aged and community care and continues to influence debate and discussion on key topics. Sandra continues to work in leadership roles within the community including as a long serving ex-Director and Vice President of Leading Aged Services Victoria (LASA), and its predecessors, Director of Anglicare Australia, a member of the National Aged Care Alliance and Director, Community Chefs.


Sofitel Hotel

Level 35, 25 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

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