Stay connected with Rotary Melbourne across our different platforms.
This Week Wednesday 13 December 23 ‘Partners Day’– In person only
Join our annual Festive lunch at No35 filled with friendship, food music and songs.
Time 12.30 for 12.50 – 2.00pm
Venue No 35 Sofitel
Price $60 (2 course lunch @ No35) + BF
The final meeting for 2023 is one of good cheer and festivities.
Our Rotary Melbourne Elves are out in force this December supporting Launch Housing by helping to deliver over 2000 toys in time for Christmas for children impacted by homelessness.
Emma Soloai is a humble and worthy recipient of the 2023 Sir John Reid Community Service Award, as a mentor, coach, chef, hugger and aunty, particularly in her Pacifica community.
Rotary Melbourne supports Rotary SAFE Families during the United Nations 16 Days of Activism and Gender-Based Violence which alerts communities around the globe in the prevention of violence against women and children.
Tania Miletic was a recipient of a Rotary Melbourne Paul Harris Fellow (Sapphire) in 2021 and also a 2002-04 Rotary Peace Fellow. Read this article from the December 2023 issue of Rotary Magazine.
At our recent lunch and AGM with Sally Capp on Wednesday 22 November 23, our visiting humanoid robot Pepper was stage-struck and unable to deliver the reflection. Fear not, you can watch Pepper's reflection right here!
This November, our Health & Ageing committee hosted 30 elderly residents from inner Melbourne at our annual Seniors Launch at Max's Restaurant in Red Hill. Our club has been hosting this lunch for over 20 years via our Health & Ageing Committee and it is funded by our annual Footy Tipping Competition. The guests, many of whom live in public housing, loved being out in nature and with friends.
This November, our Health & Ageing committee hosted 30 elderly residents from inner Melbourne at our annual Seniors Launch at Max's Restaurant in Red Hill. Our club has been hosting this lunch for over 20 years via our Health & Ageing Committee and it is funded by our annual Footy Tipping Competition. The guests, many of whom live in public housing, loved being out in nature and with friends.
Speaker Lord Mayor Sally Capp AO, Lord Mayor of Melbourne
Topic 'State of the City'
Time/Date Wednesday 22 November 23 @ 12.30pm-2.00pm
Venue No35 Sofitel Melbourne on Collins also Online via Zoom
Price Lunch $60 via Zoom $10
Join us for lunch, bring a friend or partner, be informed and form connections.
Congratulations to PP Peter Rogers who has been CONFIRMED elected as Portfolio Lead: Major Fundraising and Grants on the Zone 8 Regional Council.
Thank you to Saluministi for providing the catering at the last week's Evening Converdation EV Myths Busters event.
All the photos from our wonderful EV Myths Busted night at Porsche Brighton.
Rotary Melbourne an Evening with...
Heather Bone, Director ESG, Team Global Express (Toll)
Alex Coslovich, Head of Operational Digital Transformation & Automation, VISY and
Steve Amor, Senior Solution Design Specialist, Green Transport Team, Energy Australia
Topic 'Electric Vehicles and More for our Future' MYTHS BUSTED
Time 6.00 for 6.30 - 8.00pm
Venue Brighton Porsche Showroom 855 Nepean Hwy, Brighton
Price $30 (light refreshments provided) in person meeting only
Join us for a fun event, bring a friend, or partner, be informed and form connections.
This month the Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group (ESRAG) newsletter ESRAG November 2023 Volume 8 Issue 5 features an article titled 'From classrooms to COP, Rotarians take action'. As Rotarians from many nations prepare to advocate at COP 28, we thank the writers of articles in this issue for sending a wealth of resources and news to inspire Rotary climate action. From children to environmental professionals, the people writing or covered here are working for legal breakthroughs, informing and mobilizing their communities, and advocating for regional and multinational partnerships.
Speaker Lucienne Heyworth, Rotary Peace Fellow, Refugee Education Specialist
Topic 'Education in Conflict'
Time/Date Wednesday 8 November 23 @ 12.30pm-2.00pm
Venue No35 Sofitel Melbourne on Collins also Online via Zoom
Price Lunch $60 via Zoom $10
Join us for lunch, bring a friend, partner or child, be informed and form connections.
Speaker Bernard Saundry, CEO of RSN Racing & Sport 927am radio
Topic 'The Changing Landscape of Thoroughbred Horse Racing'
Time/Date Wednesday 1 November 23 @ 12.30pm-2.00pm
Venue No35 Sofitel Melbourne on Collins also Online via Zoom
Price Lunch $60 via Zoom $10
Update on PP Robert Fisher: He has walked 285km surpassing his target. Thanks to the great support of members he has raised over his goal of $5,000. An amazing achievement. Each dollar donated is tripled thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. You can still donate here.
The 31st Rotary Central Melbourne Paul Harris Breakfast this year features guest speaker Peter Hitchener who will be diving into the unfolding of his professional path.
Speaker Ben Northey, Principal Conductor in Residence, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Chief Conductor Christchurch Symphony Orchestra
Topic 'Leadership - A Conductor's Perspective'
Time/Date Wednesday 25 October 23 @ 12.30pm-2.00pm
Venue No35 Sofitel Melbourne on Collins also Online via Zoom
Price Lunch $60 via Zoom $10
Update on PP Robert Fisher: He has walked 169km towards his target of 250km. Thanks to the great support of members he has inreased his fund raising goal to $5,000+. He is still top of the leaderboard so lets continue to support him so that he stays there. Well done Robert.
Vocational Service Award
Guest Speaker: Dr Sandro Demaio, CEO of VicHealth and founder of the Sandro Demaio Foundation
Topic 'Service above Self'
Also Around the Bay Raffle Draw
Time/Date Wednesday 18 October 23 @ 12.30pm-2.00pm
Venue No35 Sofitel Melbourne on Collins also Online via Zoom
Price Lunch $60 via Zoom $10
So Melbourne Rotarians, we need you to think about your networks and encourage nominations for the Sir John Reid award. You must know some volunteer who hasn't been acknowledged despite lots of great efforts.
On Monday 2 October 23, our Make A House a Home project (MAHAH) delivered 10 sets (20 tea-chest boxes) of new homeware to Launch Housing’s front line offices in Dandenong and St Kilda.
Please support the Smith Family Raffle for 2023.
Win $2,000 cycling equipment voucher from My Ride Collingwood supporting the Smith Family's Learning for Life Program for families needing support to fund the education of their children.