Our Assisting Homelessness project had a big Monday

On  Monday 17 June 24, our Make A House a Home project (MAHAH) delivered 10 sets (20 tea-chest boxes) of new Home wares to Launch Housing’s front line offices in Dandenong  and Southbank.  We will also be shopping again this Monday (24 June).

Launch’s case workers were delighted to have a refreshed supply of boxes. They allocate them on a highest need basis to long term homeless clients when they can finally place them in a unit. After extended homelessness, these people typically own no homewares to set up afresh once they are housed. The boxes are also allocated to some victims of domestic violence who have left a dangerous situation with no household possessions.

Funded by the Rotary Melbourne budget, our “MAHAH” program is now in its fifth year and in that time has assisted more than 250 homeless people.

Chris Wang prepared and labelled all the boxes at his Sunshine warehouse and volunteers Trevor Nink,  Deb Yin Foo, Mary Barry and Sue Smith did the purchasing and packing.

 DIK's volunteer driver Andy Steinicke did a marvellous job driving the congested round trip to St Kilda & Southbank with Trevor.

Launch Housing highly value what we do and the demand is real and ongoing. 

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