Empowering Youth Cambodia

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Run-down shanty houses, open sewers, violence, lack of jobs, and poor educational opportunities are just some of the challenges faced in urban poor communities (slums) in Phnom Penh that limit the prospects of children and youth. Without access to quality education and opportunities to develop skills necessary for better-paying jobs, these young people face a difficult and dangerous future.

Rotary Melbourne's life changing project provides financial assistance to vulnerable children to complete their high school education at Empowering Youth Cambodia (EYC).

EYC operates three community centres in partnership with the local communities and offers students quality education and opportunities they would not otherwise have access to, including:

Education & Employment Personal Development Community Outreach

English Classes & Library Access

Computer & Coding Skills


Job Training & Placement



Leadership Development

Medical & Dental Clinics

Social Work

Community Service

Humanitarian Support

Aspects central to EYC’s model are a focus on the individual student and a culture of giving back. The school views both as critical to the personal development of the student and to their ability to create change for themselves, their families, and their communities.

The program annually gives over 50 selected students the opportunity to attend high school, including both male and female. The students selected would not otherwise have had the opportunity to go beyond primary school to attend and pass their high school exams.

The children, youths and families we support live in vulnerable areas and are subject to unfavourable challenges. These include high levels of violence, poor and inadequate housing conditions, very limited access to basic social services, constant threats of eviction, high levels of poverty and a lack of formal jobs.

EYC only provides partial scholarships and it is expected that the family of the student coverts the rest while the student actively contributes to all EYC program activities. Many of the stdents therefore have part time jobs to support their studies. This program builds on EYC's Community School & Social Work program. 

The social work program targets children who in some cases do not attend either a government school or EYC, or who fail to attend or progress with their studies. It strives to enable students and their families to work through the issues and circumstances preventing each participating child obtaining a basic education, and in some cases helping children to use the education and skills obtained at EYC to obtain employment. In this way the students will also be in a better position to contribute to the current meagre incomes of their disadvantaged families.

Unleashing potential

The impact of EYC truly comes alive through the stories of its students. Meet Simouy, one of EYC’s first generation of students. Prior to starting at EYC, Simouy believed her future would be limited to the traditional roles of women in Cambodia. Today, she is a university graduate and she is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Gender Studies in Australia and plans to support women’s empowerment in Cambodia in the future. These are the faces and stories that inspire us every day.

Vist EYC website here

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