Each year the Health and Ageing Committee presents an award to recognise the contribution of a person who has given outstanding service in a voluntary capacity to older members of our community.
Previously known as the “Seniors Award”, from 2021 onwards, this award was renamed the “Service to Seniors Award”, beingmore inclusive and clarifies that this award is open to a person of any age who meets the following criteria.
The Nominees shall:
The Nominee may be, but need not necessarily be, a Rotarian. The service we are seeking to acclaim should not necessarily be at a senior level, such as the president or chairman of the board of the organisation but could be at a lower level in the organisation, such as a person providing personal care to seniors.
The award consists of a Citation and Certificate of Recognition which will be presented at a lunch meeting towards the end of the year. The awardee is invited to tell their story in a short address to the Club.
The Committee is seeking your help for nominations for the next Award.
Past Recipients
2011 | Mr Norman Banner |
2012 | Ms Margaret Baulch |
2013 | Mr Thomas Fong |
2014 | Mr Peter Francis |
2015 | Mr Noel Smith |
2016 | Mr David J Horne |
2017 | Ms Nancy Hogan |
2018 | Mr John Hood |
2019 | Dr Rodney Syme AM |
2020 | Mr Ahmed Tohow |
2022 | Mrs Cathy Roth OAM |