The meeting was opened by MC Bernie McIntosh and weekly reflection was delivered by Past President Peter Dakin. The text of Peter’s reflection is included in the link below.
President Catherine welcomed visiting Rotarians and guests and reminded us that this meeting would celebrate Rotary International’s Vocational Service Month through the Vocational Issues Panel initiated annually by the Vocational Service Committee. The topic to be discussed by the Panel this year was Ethics in Marketing, and the members making up the panel were President Elect Nominee Carol Bond, Joseph Ebbage and Jenny Taing (Moderator).
President Catherine welcomed new member Mamun Haque nominated by Stephen Rando, who was inducted into the Club, following which birthdays were celebrated for Sandra Hill and Colin Honey. President Catherine made several announcements regarding forthcoming activities:
President Catherine then called Past President Reg Smith to the podium to introduce the annual Vocational Service Issues Panel. Reg provided a brief overview of the Vocational Service Committee highlighting:
Reg then handed over to Jenny Taing, moderator, who introduced fellow panellists, Carol Bond and Joseph Ebbage, and explained the topic to be discussed: 'Ethics in Marketing'. Videos of three recent TV promotional advertisements were shown and were followed by a discussion of the ethics of the advertising messages in each advertisement. These included: Woodside's Sustainability Efforts and Transparency; McDonald's promotion of its partnership with the AFL; and finally Mount Franklin’s bottled water, sold in recycled plastic containers.
A good quality recording of the Panel discussion can be viewed here:
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