The Rotary Melbourne Environmental Sustainability Award seeks secondary school students who can demonstrate leadership and people engagement in sustainable environmental practices.
Special commendation will be granted to a select group of students.
All entrants will receive a participation certificate.
The criteria are for a student or group of secondary school students who created or developed a project that demonstrates leadership and people engagement in sustainability.
The purpose of the Award is to:
- Inspire tomorrow's leaders to focus on environmental sustainability
- Demonstrate innovation and ideas
- Create engagement and inspire other school children
The focus is on excellence in environmental sustainability in secondary-school aged children who have made a significant contribution to their community. The community can be defined as the school community, fellow students, as well as the greater community outside the school.
The submission is to include:
- An outline, explaining the project and how it achieves the purpose of the award (maximum of 4 x A4 pages)
- A poster (single page) which identifies
- the applicants
- the essence of the project
- can be used by Melbourne Rotary to promote the participants' endeavours
- Completed Parent Permission Form from each participating student
- Documents to be attached to the completed online form (see below)
The award is open to all secondary school students in metropolitan Melbourne.
The project can be:
- A proposal for a project that will engage community in sustainable environmental issues, or
- A project/activity already underway, or
- A project completed in the last 12 months.
For any enquiries, e-mail
Click here to Nominate: Environment Sustainability Award
Download flyer and Parent/Guardian Permission Consent Form.
Rotary Melbourne, in its Centenary year 2021, established an annual award to recognise a person who has made an outstanding contribution towards Rotary International Seventh area of focus – Supporting the Environment.
The inaugural award was made by the Club on recommendation of the Environmental Sustainability Committee (ESC), to a person who has made an outstanding contribution as a leader in an important aspect of Environmental Sustainability. And through this has made a major contribution towards creating awareness in the community, and inspiring others to change behaviours towards environmental sustainability.
2021 - Claire Moore (Sweet Justice)
2022 - Phoebe Gardner and Alex Arnold (Bardee)
2022 (Special Commendation) - Manon Beauchamp-Tardieu (Little Green Panda)
2024 Star of the Sea College
The recipient of the inaugural Rotary Club of Melbourne Environmental Sustainability Award is Claire Moore.
Claire Moore is the Founder and CEO of Sweet Justice Ltd a Social Enterprise teaching Beekeeping within the Justice System.
Claire was the 2019 Agrifutures Rural Woman of the Year for Beekeeping. During a radio conversation with Jon Faine on ABC, Jon mentioned a beekeeping program in the United States that had decreased re-offending rates from sixty per cent to four per cent by teaching commercial beekeeping skills to ex-offenders upon release.
Sweet Justice Ltd started teaching within the Justice system in 2020 and aims to hire its first beekeepers in a beekeeping social enterprise in the later part of 2021.
The Award was awarded on Wednesday September 15 2021, by Professor John Thwaites AM at our weekly club meeting online via Zoom.