ForAMeal Food Packing


Rotary Melbourne volunteers and friends packed 12,000 packs in 1.5 hours ðŸ˜Š

At 6 meals per pack that means 72,000 meals are now ready for delivery.

40 plus volunteer Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends gathered at RMIT University Melbourne for the 3rd April evening conversation to form a giant assembly line packing specially designed nutritious dry goods for sending to areas in need.

Each pack can feed 4-6 people and is targeted and delivered to people who are either displaced or suffering from natural disasters. Made up of rice, oats, lentils and a sachet of scientifically formulated vitamins and minerals, it provides nutrition when it is needed most. And it needs nothing more than a pot of boiling water.

FORaMEAL is a project of the Rotary Club of Canterbury guided by food scientist and club member Doug Hawley.  Their hardworking team is efficient and well versed in guiding the volunteers in the process.

They are magnificent!

To date FORaMEAL has packed 1,100,000 meals and 800,000 meals have been distributed (for FREE!).

We are not sure where this packing line will be shipped to yet, however, recent shipments have gone to, Philippines, Ukraine and Sri Lanka. 
After all this volunteering a number of Rotary Melbourne members and friends adjourned to The Oxford Scholar Hotel next door for fellowship, dinner and refreshments.

Big Difference in Fed Square

During the 2023 Rotary International Convention held in Melbourne, our members also participated in the Big Difference, packing even more disaster relief meals with ForAMeal.

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