Last Week's Meeting 22 September 21

Claire Fraser joined Rotary Melbourne in 2019 but Rotary was not new to her. She was the first lady member of a Queensland club from 2000 and during her membership was International Director and later President. Her International focus was consistent with her academic qualifications and took her to 23 countries. While in Melbourne she participated in a number of activities including being Board Minute Secretary for 2020-21. A move to Canberra in late 2019 did not prevent her involvement due to the digital nature of meetings these days. We look forward to her ongoing participation from a distance and will hopefully see her in Melbourne periodically in future.


Dr Jim Barry lived his early years in the Mallee before practising medicine at the Alfred and other hospitals in Melbourne. In 1982 he moved to Swan Hill as a medical practitioner until his retirement earlier this year. From 1983 until early this year he was a member of Rotary Club of Swan Hill, a club for which he is a Past President. David Dunoon introduced him to Rotary Melbourne and he was inducted on 23 June. The lockdown has limited his participation to date but he did volunteer, along with many of us, for Around the Bay! His mentor is Mary Barry and he has appreciated being made welcome, even though he has yet to get involved. His areas of particular interest are fellowship, Rotary Foundation and overseas students mentoring.

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