Open Garden - Villa Raedward

26 Melba Highway, Yering Vic 3770

Garden owners, John and Sandra Annison, have built up quite a collection of various oak trees, as well as other interesting species, such as a lovely carob tree.  Formal gardens using traditional European garden design with avenues are featured. In other areas, there's a Japanese-inspired garden and a lovely perennial border.

The large vegetable garden features twenty raised beds and the substantial orchard features many different types of fruiting trees, including quince, nut trees, apples etc.  It also has a unique netting system and demonstrates an excellent use of space.

The garden has been twenty years in the making and has lovely vistas through to mountains beyond.

The charities who will be receiving the funds from the takings for the day are : Melba Disability Services, Yering Primary School and Coldstream CFA.

For more information and to buy tickets please visit

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