Last week’s meeting guest speaker was Honorary Member of Rotary Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp. Sally spoke on ‘State of the City’. You can view the meeting HERE.
With attendance well in excess of 70 members, last week's meeting was a memorable highlight of our year, featuring Rotary Melbourne Honorary Member and Lord Mayor of Melbourne Sally Capp.
Since being elected Lord Mayor of Melbourne in 2018, Sally Capp has been very much part of the life of Rotary Melbourne, continuing the tradition of delivering the Annual State of the City update, and supporting multiple events, including the celebrations of International Women’s Day and Rotary Melbourne’s inaugural World Environment Day lunch in June 2021. Sally played a pivotal role in securing the Rotary International the 2023 Rotary RI Convention and for her service to Rotary, President Adrian presented her with a Paul Harris Fellow Award at this meeting.
In addition to hearing from Sally, members heard a passionate update on the RI convention from Chair of the Host Organising Committee Mary Barry, - folks it is time to register if you haven’t done so already.
We also learned of the amazing experiences of President Adrian, Trevor Nink, Robert Fisher, and Chris Wang with their partners who attended the Centenary Celebrations of Sister Club - The Rotary Club of Osaka.
In this year’s State of the City address, Lord Mayor Sally Capp highlighted the resurgence of pedestrian foot traffic in the CBD and high demand for tickets to major events and restaurant bookings, as positive indicators of our collective commitment to leave the anxiety and uncertainty of the pandemic behind us and look forward to a positive future. The recording of the key elements of the meeting including Sally’s address and a lively Q&A session is available

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