We are pleased to advise that our Organising Committee is well advanced in organising the 2023, Second Rotary World Environment Day luncheon on Wednesday 17 May 2023 in the Sofitel Ballroom.
If you attended last year’s World Environment Day luncheon, we are sure you will want to join us for the event which this year will explore the Environment and the Circular economy. Rotary Melbourne is organising the event in partnership with the City of Melbourne, Sofitel on Collins and the Environment Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG).
Our speaker panel will include Rueben Berg (First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria and indigenous architect), Honorary Member Lord Mayor Sally Capp, Adam D'Sylva (Co-founder, Coda & Tonka restaurants), Bob Glindemann (volunteer Leader at Donations in Kind) and Jill Riseley (A circular economy expert and Partner, Sustainability, and the Circular Economy at Deloitte).
Why not be part of this enlightening event program and book now.
This event is perfect for informing potential new members and colleagues of the opportunities they will encounter if they join Rotary. A protecting the environment is Rotary’s 7th Area of focus and touches every one of the other 6 areas of focus.
Our goal is to quickly build this annual event to “unmissable” status. It is a great way to deepen our understanding of the benefits of a circular economy and will be a great way to inform ourselves on environmental achievements in Australia in the lead up to the 2023 Rotary International Convention, where the environmental protection will be a major focus.
Please book NOW via this link: https://events.humanitix.com/rotary-world-environment-day-lunch.